helps transactional lawyers complete deals faster by automating the procedural stuff.
  1. rapidly produces drafts from a single set of instructions,
  2. simplifies reviewing and amending drafts with its powerful legal document editor,
  3. takes the risk and repetition out of the circulation process by automating instructions, attachments and emails,
  4. makes negotiation straightforward by centralising all queries and proposed changes into a single dashboard, and
  5. deals with all completion formalities,
which means you spend less time on admin and more time advising your clients.
how it works.

Instruct. RoboLawyer takes instructions like a colleague. You tell it what to do.

  • Matter automation.RoboLawyer is all about automating entire matters, from taking instructions to producing drafts, circulating and negotiating them and closing the deal.
  • It feels familiar.Designed by an experienced lawyer for experienced lawyers, RoboLawyer brings your mental model of legal entities, contracts and transactions to life on screen.
  • It's simple to use.No lengthy forms, no Q&A, no 'no code'. RoboLawyer's thoughtful and intuitive design allows you to make use of your hard earned training and experience without having to learn something new and complicated.

Review. RoboLawyer prepares first drafts in seconds. You review and amend until you are satisfied.

  • It's fast.With minimal input, RoboLawyer produces entire document suites in seconds that would otherwise take you hours to assemble.
  • It's for perfectionists.Documents are drafted in modern legal style with perfect numbering, formatting and automatic cross referencing. No more wrestling with Word.
  • It's versatile.RoboLawyer's first drafts cater for many common deals, but further changes can be made using its purpose built, extremely powerful yet highly intuitive legal document editor. Terms can be dragged in or out, clauses added, removed and renumbered.
  • It's automated.Any changes made to instructions results in all affected documents in the matter being automatically updated. Tedious and repetitive work is significantly reduced. Silly mistakes are eliminated.

Circulate. RoboLawyer assembles draft packs for every party in a matter. You double check and hit send.

  • It minimises admin.RoboLawyer automatically collects, sorts and prepares sets of drafts and instructions for circulation. No more intricately named PDF files or hours spent preparing separate emails to each party.
  • It prevents mistakes.Instructions and attachments are determined depending on a party's role in a matter. No wires are crossed, no mistaken attachments, getting things right the first time is a given.

Negotiate. RoboLawyer handles comments and proposals. You reply, agree or reject.

  • It keeps you on top.Document review and negotiation happens in one place. The state of the matter is always clear and available in the review dashboard. No need to manually maintain what's going on, or deal with any spreadsheets to keep track of who needs to sign what.
  • It's efficient.Parties can correspond and propose changes to wording privately, within the context of each document. Accepted changes are automatically integrated into the next set of drafts. Recirculating is a breeze. No more hours wasted making countless changes.

Complete. RoboLawyer manages the formalities. You pop a bottle with your client.

  • It deals with signatures.Drafts become finalised automatically when all parties agree, with the correct signature blocks added to each document without further input. Parties execute the documents and the deal is done.
  • It does the really dull stuff for you.RoboLawyer prepares the post-completion forms, updates the client's file and assembles the transaction bible. Final copies are circulated. Everyone is happy.
time saved.
risks mitigated.
mistakes eliminated.
stress reduced.
who it's for.
Law firms.
  • Keep track of all entities and matters known to the firm and how they know each other to avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Use off-the-shelf matters to immediately boost your firm's capabilities to deal with common transactional work.
  • Order custom built matters to increase productivity and oversight for the specialised work your firm carries out regularly.
  • Multiple partners and fee-earners can work on (or have oversight of) each matter.
  • Clients and third parties can stay updated on deal progress without your involvement.
In-house lawyers.
  • Maintain oversight of all your ongoing transactional matters from one place.
  • Initiate, manage and work on common matters without involving external counsel.
  • Circulate drafts to colleagues for internal review, comments and proposed changes.
  • Easily locate, reference and query completed contracts.
  • Keep track of and be automatically notified of deadlines, obligations and other key contractual terms.
  • Get custom built matters to deal specifically with the legal work that your company commonly carries out.
  • Stay on top of obligations to third parties and their obligations to you.
  • Permit staff to run common deals by following set procedures and guidance that applies specifically to your way of doing things.
  • Keep track of all internal and external contracts with the ability to query key data rapidly.
  • Connect RoboLawyer output to your own APIs and other internal systems to build whatever you need.
frequently asked questions.
Who made RoboLawyer? What do you know about practising law?

Problems when practising law. I studied law. I was passionate about becoming a lawyer. I trained, qualified and worked as a corporate and commercial lawyer. I operated a regulated legal practice advising technology companies in London for years. I dealt with hundreds of clients. I ran deals. I drafted agreements. I handled negotiations. I dealt with third parties. I dealt with other lawyers. I dealt with redlined tracked documents. I dealt with photographs of signed documents. I ran completion meetings online and offline. I put together transaction bibles. I filed documents with registrars. I made silly mistakes that I had to fix. I had risk mitigation on my mind at all times. I feared indemnity insurance claims. I hated using Word's numbering and indenting systems. I was fed up. Software as a solution. I like to write software. I've written it since before I studied law. I figured I could solve a few of my problems with some minor automation. Like collating groups of parties, or calculating share prices. I wrote some simple code. I made fewer mistakes. My job got easier. I was able to focus on advising my clients rather than wrestling with the dullest of procedures. I didn't worry about making silly mistakes, or rounding errors when calculating share prices. The result. I decided I didn't want to practice law anymore. I decided to together everything I had learnt into one awesome package that others could use. I realised that lawyers aren't really interested in learning code. I thought about what kind of system I wanted to use. I dreamt about how it might look, how slick it would be, or how anybody could and should be able to use it. I started building it. I spent years researching, designing, implementing and testing my work. I wanted it to solve problems. I took feedback, opinions and advice and refined it further. Now I'm inviting others to use it too. -- Zarek Rahman, a solicitor and the developer of RoboLawyer.

Is RoboLawyer AI?
What sort of matters does RoboLawyer support? Which jurisdictions?
How do we get access to RoboLawyer?
How much does RoboLawyer cost?

There is no charge during the private beta phase. For after that, we've come up with a value-based pricing system that is simple to understand and is fair to every firm or company regardless of their size. Please get in touch to discuss.

Is it possible to get a demo of RoboLawyer?

Absolutely. Please request one and we'll be in touch.

get in touch.
Your email address and other personal data will be collected and handled strictly in accordance with our privacy policy.
RoboLawyer (the software product described on this website) and 'RoboLawyer' (the registered trade mark) are operated by RoboLawyer LTD, a company incorporated in England and Wales (no. 15024103) with its registered office at 22 Groveside Court, London SW11 3RQ. This website,, does not set cookies on your device or collect any personal data. See our privacy policy for more information on how your personal data will be handled by us if you register your interest, and by any third party services used to deliver this website.