Privacy policy
This privacy policy relates to this website and how we deal with any information you send us by email. It is is operated by RoboLawyer LTD, a company incorporated in England and Wales (no. 15024103) with its registered office at 22 Groveside Court, London SW11 3RQ. You can contact us by sending an email to the directors of the company, who can be reached by email to dear @ This privacy policy was last updated on 23 October 2023.
Cookies.We don't set or use any cookies on this site. We do use Cloudflare's global content delivery and load-balancing network, which may set cookies for strictly essential purposes. Given that these cookies are for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication of an electronic communications network, we have determined that no consent banner is required for the use of these cookies. You can read more about this justification on the ICO's page on cookie exemptions, and more about details about the cookies that may be set by Cloudflare on their cookies information page.
Hosting and analytics.We use Cloudflare for hosting and content delivery. You may also wish to refer to Cloudflare's privacy policy for more general information on how Cloudflare collects data. We also use Goatcounter, an open source analytics engine, for privacy first web analytics. You can read more about the technical details on how Goatcounter complies with privacy legislation and achieves tracking without using cookies or processing personal data, here.
Personal information collection and usage.This website collects names, names of businesses and email addresses, using Web3forms as an intermediary service to forward your email address to ours. You can view Web3forms' privacy policy here. Where information is sent to us by email, we will also collect that information, which typically includes your name, business name and any other personal information you include in your email. This information is provided to us directly by you, in order for us to keep you informed by email about our products and services. We may also use it to gather statistics about email opening and clicks. These are the only reasons we will use it. We do not receive or collect any other personal information, and we do not share any collected personal information with anyone else.
Lawful basis of collection.Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation, the lawful basis we rely on for processing this information is your consent (which you can remove at any time by contacting us at the above email address). Your information is securely stored. It is kept for as long as you have not withdrawn your consent for us to keep it.
Your data protection rights.Under data protection law, you have the right to ask for copies of your personal information, the right to ask us to rectify (or complete) any inaccurate information, the right to ask us to erase it, the right to ask us to restrict processing it, the right to object to us processing it, and the right to ask us to transfer it to you or another person. Some of these rights may only apply in certain circumstances. You can contact us at the email address above to make a request in relation to your rights.
How to complain.If you have concerns about our use of your personal information, you can complain to us at the email address above. You can also complain to the ICO if you are unahppy with how we have used your data by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.
Thanks for reading.
RoboLawyer (the software product described on this website) and 'RoboLawyer' (the registered trade mark) are operated by RoboLawyer LTD, a company incorporated in England and Wales (no. 15024103) with its registered office at 22 Groveside Court, London SW11 3RQ. This website,, does not set cookies on your device or collect any personal data. See our privacy policy for more information on how your personal data will be handled by us if you register your interest, and by any third party services used to deliver this website.